The One-to-One Training session is for owners with dogs that primarily have basic training problems and/or relatively minor behavioural problems, but where either the dog and/or the owner may not want a class situation, or feel it more suitable to carry out the training in situ, with each session normally lasting around two hours.
The one-one session is usually spent looking at the relationship between the owner and the dog, and the problems that relationship is causing. The most common issue is that the dog is already trained - he understands what he is being asked to do, but for some reason he believes that he can refuse to do it, and do what he wants to instead.
Training sessions are normally carried out at the owner's home, since I invariably find that client's dogs don't listen reliably even indoors, in their quietest, most insular environment, so of course they don't listen on the street or in the park. I therefore start the training in the place that the dog is most likely to respond well, and then move that new understanding into more challenging situations.
One-one sessions focus on typical basic training problems such as jumping up, pulling on the lead, not dropping things when told and poor recall etc. The owner will tell me what they want the dog taught or un-taught, but there may be other issues or exercises that I might suggest may be useful to them that they hadn't realised needed addressing. Most owners and dogs only need a single session.
I will leave the owner with a number of handouts covering the topics that we have discussed that they can continually refer to, and I encourage the owner to stay in touch with me on a regular basis for as long as they need to until those issues are resolved, at no extra cost. I cover munch of London and the south-east. If you live in an area that I don't cover, through my instructor courses, I may be able to recommend someone I have trained who does, so that the techniques will be largely the same.